Kim and I, with the Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland behind us.

About me

My name is Fred Ryerse.  I live in St. Ignace, Michigan, which is on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the United States.  I live with my fabulous wife, Kim, in a beautiful home overlooking Lake Huron.  We have seven children between us.  I also have two amazing sons-in-law and the best 5 grandchildren anybody could ever ask for.

I enjoy a great job in the financial services industry with an awesome group of people.  It provides me a comfortable living, and I pride myself in working very hard at it.  I have worked in financial services since 1980.  I have met some truly great friends through my work.

Kim and I enjoy each other's company, and, at least so far... she hasn't objected to me having a camera around my neck most of the time. She likes board games as much as I do.  We continue to play a lot of Dominion (we have at least a dozen of the expansions). We both LOVE to travel, with our most memorable trips being to Switzerland and Italy.

My photography continues to evolve.  I love the creative paths it has taken me.  I am exploring the qualities of light and lighting, and enjoying having the creative outlet.  I have studied a lot about the technology and how to use it effectively, and my camera and lenses have become second nature to me.  What I am working on most, and what takes the most time, is composition and creativity.  I don't specialize...yet.  I like wildlife, landscapes, portrait, and macro.  I love playing with off camera flash setups.  

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoy taking them.
